Ball, F., Nentwich, A., &. Noesselt, T. (2021). Cross-modal perceptual enhancement of unisensory targets is uni-directional and does not affect temporal expectations. Vision Research. LinkToPaper_bioRxiv and final version in vision research (available till 18.12.2021)
Ball, F., Andreca, J., &. Noesselt, T. (2021). Context dependency of time-based event-related expectations for different modalities. Psychological Research. OpenAccess
Ball, F., Spuerck, I., &. Noesselt, T. (2021). Minimal interplay between explicit knowledge, dynamics of learning and temporal expectations in different, complex uni- and multisensory
contexts. Accepted for publication in Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 83, 2551–2573. OpenAccess
Porcu, E., Benz, K. M., Ball, F., Tempelmann, C., Hanke, M., & Noesselt, T. (2020). Macroscopic information-based taste representations in insular cortex are shaped by stimulus concentration.
PNAS. 117(13):7409-7417. LinkToPaper_PNAS
Starke, J.*, Ball, F.*, Heinze, H.J., & Noesselt, T. (2020). The spatio-temporal profile of multisensory integration. EJN. 51(5): 1210 -1223. LinkToPaper_Wiley * shared 1st authors
Ball, F., Groth, R.M., Agostino, C.S., Porcu, E., & Noesselt, T. (2019). Explicitly vs. implicitly driven temporal expectations: No evidence for altered perceptual processing due to top-down modulations. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82(4), 1793-1807. LinkToPaper_Springer
Ball, F., Fuehrmann, F., Stratil, F., & Noesselt, T. (2018). Phasic and sustained interactions of multisensory interplay and temporal expectation. Scientific Reports. 8:10208. LinkToPaper_Nature
Schroeder, S. C. Y., Ball, F., Busch, N. A. (2018). The Role of Alpha Oscillations in Distractor Inhibition during Memory Retention. European Journal of Neuroscience. LinkToPaper_Wiley
Ball, F., Michels, L. E., Thiele, C., & Noesselt, T. (2018). The role of multisensory interplay in enabling temporal expectations. Cognition. 170, 130-146. LinkToPaper_Elsevier
Ball, F. & Busch, N. A. (2015). Change detection on a hunch: Pre-attentive vision allows "sensing" of unique feature changes. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 77(8), 2570-2588.
Ball, F., Bernasconi, F. & Busch, N. A. (2015). Semantic Relations between Visual Objects Can Be Unconsciously Processed but Not Reported under Change Blindness. Journal of Cognitive
Neuroscience, 27, 2253-2268. LinkToPaper_MITpress
Ball, F., Elzemann, A. & Busch, N. A. (2014). The scene and the unseen: manipulating photographs for experiments on change blindness and scene memory: image manipulation for change blindness.
Behavior Research Methods, 46, 689-701. LinkToPaper_Springer